DOS is an Operating System. It works as an interpreter between user and computer.
We give English like commands and it converts it into machine language and after the computer has processed the information.

In the 1980s or early 1990s, the operating system that shipped with most PCs was a version of the Disk Operating System (DOS) created by Microsoft: MS-DOS.

MS-DOS is a disk-based, single-user, single-task and character based user interface (CUI) operating system.

How to start MS-DOS from Windows Operating System:
Click Start Button -->Choose Program --> Choose Accessories --> Click Command Prompt
Click Start Button --> Choose Run --> Type cmd in the Open tab

DOS command divided into two parts.
1. Internal Commands or Memory-Resident Commands
2. External Command or Disk-Residence Commands


Microsoft Windows is a multitasking operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation which uses Graphical User Interface to interact with the users. 

The first virson released in 1985 with simple GUI based operating system, which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world.

Windows is a multi-user, multi-task and Graphical based user interface (GUI) operating system.

Some examples of Microsoft Windows like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP etc.

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